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Ephesians 6:17-18

Prayer Sword
Call upon Me and come
and pray to Me and
I will listen
to you.

Jeremiah 29:12

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Lord Jesus, when I am going through adversity and affliction and am tempted to block out my pain, may I hear Your voice behind me warning and saying, ‘This is the way, walk in it’.  Isaiah 30:20-21 John 10:4
O God, You are the Lord, my only source of well-being.  Psalm 16:2 Matthew 1:23
O God of peace, please sanctify me through and through, and may my whole spirit, soul and body, be kept blameless at the coming of my Lord Jesus Christ. Thank You Lord that the One Who calls me is faithful, and He will do it.  1 Thessalonians 5:23-24
I come into Your presence LORD and ask You to fill any emptiness with Your joy.  Psalm 16:11 John 15:11
Today, I will take courage in the thought that You LORD told my Lord Jesus to sit at Your right hand, until He made Your enemies a footstool for His feet. I too, want to sit at Your right hand today and receive Your endurance and encouragement.  Psalm 110:1 Romans 15:5
Lord Jesus, please help me to not put up a barrier to receiving brotherly love.  Hebrews 13:1
LORD, help me to look at Your Word - for You say it is perfect, reviving the soul, that Your statutes are trustworthy, making wise the simple. Your precepts are right, giving joy to the heart. Your commands are radiant, giving light to the eyes. Please help me to take all this life from Your Word and find that Your directives are more precious than gold; sweeter than honey from the honeycomb. By them may I, Your servant, be warned; and in so keeping them find great reward. Amen!  Psalm 19:7-8,10-11,14
Light of the world, be my everlasting light: and may my days of sorrow end.  Isaiah 60:20 Matthew 5:4
Lead me, O LORD, through the depths and save me from the hand of the enemy. Redeem this situation for Your name's sake.  Psalm 106:9-10,8 Titus 2:4
Thank You LORD, that You will be my everlasting light.  Isaiah 60:19 John 8:12

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See also: Guidance | Salvation | Anxiety | Peace

Scripture taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version® NIV®.
Copyright© 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society.
Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
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