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Ephesians 6:17-18

Prayer Sword
Call upon Me and come
and pray to Me and
I will listen
to you.

Jeremiah 29:12

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I bow my knees before the Father; from Whom every family in heaven and on earth is named. Ephesians 3:14-15 ESV

208 prayers returned. Use the page numbers at the end of the page to browse through the prayers. Ten prayers returned per page.

Page 1 of 21

Almighty God, may the prayers our family pray from Your Word not return to You empty, but accomplish what You desire and achieve Your purposes.  Isaiah 55:11 Deuteronomy 4:9
You are our Father, please guide our family and do not withhold Your tenderness and compassions from us.  Matthew 6:9 Isaiah 63:16,14-15
Jesus, may we all rest secure in knowing that You tend Your flock like a Shepherd, and gather the lambs in Your arms carrying them close to Your heart; and You gently lead those that have young.  Isaiah 40:11 John 10:11,14
Father God, I ask that grace may be given to me to make plain to my family Your eternal purpose that in Christ Jesus, and through faith in Him, we may approach You God with freedom and confidence.  Ephesians 3:8-9,11-12
Praise be to You Lord, my God and my Saviour, Who daily bears our family’s burdens. I will cast my burdens on to You because You care for us.  Psalm 68:19 John 20:28 1 Peter 5:7
LORD, I commit the building together of this family to You. For unless You, O LORD, build the house, its builders labour in vain.  Hebrews 3:4 Psalm 127:1
May we become firmly established in the truth.  2 Peter 1:12
Father God, may Your grace be with us to please You in our lives and to receive from Your hand: wisdom, knowledge and happiness.  Ecclesiastes 2:26
Your Kingdom come, Your will be done in my family.  Matthew 6:10
Dear God, grant us the grace to serve You in our lifetime.  Acts 13:36

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See also: Children | Wife or Husband or Grandparent | Guidance | Forgiveness | Finances | Carer | Depressive’s Family | Addicts Family

Scripture taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version® NIV®.
Copyright© 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society.
Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
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